ADASHE DIGITAL is a program initiated by NHMC to empower members with business loans through crowd funding.
Benefit's of the loan program includes:
* Wealth creation/Poverty Alleviation Program (through Donnations and others)
* Food item package (Bi-monthly free food stuffs distribution).
* 4yrs plan (Biz fund grant)
* 6yrs plan(Land fund grant)
* 10yrs plan(House fund grant T&C Applied )
Program benefits & gifts are optional.
The cooperative banks are an integral part of the program, they collect deposits and pay out loans to members.
All cooperators can view all contributions made periodically.
Instant SMS or Email alert for all transactions made at all time.
All cooperators can access loan up to 100million.
Daily, weekly and monthly transactions history is available.
We accept multiple payment option ranging from bank to online payment
A referal entile to N1000 instant payment on every referred and activated account
THE NEWHOPE MULTIPURPOSE COPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD has come up with a program to accommodate her members in a serene environment, equally affordable. This program will help members pay over a period of time.
• Studio apartments
• Terrance
• Apartments
• Block of Flats
• Duplex
• Villa
• Burngalow
• Semi Detached
Current Members
Projects Succeed
Team Members
Studio Apartment
1 Bedroom Block of Flats
2 Bedrooms Terrace Apartment
3 Bedrooms Semi-Detached Block of Flats
5 Bedrooms Detached Apartment