Every intending member is expected to register in their preferred package, open an account with the cooperative/Bank then apply for a contribution loan for his house. Introduce a minimum of 5-8 members depending on the preferred package, who will in turn introduce 5-8 new members into the program.
THE NEWHOPE MULTIPURPOSE COPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD has come up with a program to accommodate her members in a serene environment and equally affordable houses. This program will help a member to pay for his/her house over a period of time.
• Studio apartments
• Terrance
• Bedroom apartments
• Block of Flats
• Duplex
• Villa
• Burngalow
• Semi Detached
Current Members
Projects Succeed
Team Members
Studio Apartment
1 Bedroom Block of Flats
2 Bedrooms Terrace Apartment
3 Bedrooms Semi-Detached Block of Flats
5 Bedrooms Detached Apartment