In support of the Newhope Mulitipurpose Cooperative humanitarian programs, the cooperative is running several humanitarian projects /program's to support her member's in achieving the coop's cooperate goal .
These humanitarian programs are not a get rich quick program or a Ponzi scheme. This Program is purely humanitarian.
These program is only for food items and household products distribution to alleviate suffering amongst our members in this difficult economy.
Food items are gotten at a very discounted rate for members in the group.
The general public get the food item at 50% discount on actual price once they join the group.
The last group of people are the members of the NHMC humanitarian program support group for housing and wellness health care product.
This set of participants receives the food items at a 70% discount of actual cost, as they are members of the weekly contribution group.
Contribution is N1,500 monthly For the period of 3months. After which the participant receives the food item package.
Food items and other products will be distributed to all participants in the program quarterly .
Duration is after every 3months and roll over
10,000 participants are expected to team up
together to form this group.
THE NEWHOPE MULTIPURPOSE COPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD has come up with a program to accommodate her members in a serene environment and equally affordable houses. This program will help a member to pay for his/her house over a period of time.
• Studio apartments
• Terrance
• Bedroom apartments
• Block of Flats
• Duplex
• Villa
• Burngalow
• Semi Detached
Current Members
Projects Succeed
Team Members
Studio Apartment
1 Bedroom Block of Flats
2 Bedrooms Terrace Apartment
3 Bedrooms Semi-Detached Block of Flats
5 Bedrooms Detached Apartment